First Aid at Work – Great Britain

The Emergency First Response First Aid at Work (Great Britain) is designed for the purpose of meeting the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. This programme meets the statutory needs of employers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland needing at least one First Aider on the premises.

The Emergency First Response First Aid at Work (Great Britain) course is customised to UK Resuscitation Council basic life support protocols and nationally accepted first aid protocols and is based upon the instructor led delivery of the Emergency First Response Primary Care and Secondary Care modules instructor digital lesson guides. Modules on Caring for Specific Illnesses and Injuries, and First Aid in the Workplace compliment these. The course has its own materials including participant and instructor manuals, and benefits from the use of the existing Emergency First Response Primary Care and Secondary Care video.

Further information on the Emergency First Response First Aid at Work (Great Britain) course is available from Emergency First Response Ltd at [email protected] or +44 (0) 117 300 7234.

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